Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's a girl!!

We had our "extensive" ultrasound exciting! Baby girl Sammy is a mover and a shaker. She was dancing all over the place! The nurse who completed the ultrasound and the MD who reviewed the pictures said that everything looked great! She's slightly big for her due date, but that just means she's growing well.
Needless to say, we're very excited and I've already started looking at girl clothes, bedding, etc. :) We can't wait to meet her!!


  1. How exciting! As you well know, the show "Facts of Life" has played a major role in my life. So I am thinking you should use either Tudie or Blair for my niece's name.

  2. Tudie Samuel has a nice ring to it. (Really, the "facts of life"?) Hahaha!
